U.K. ⇒ arris tg2492lg-vm/ vmdg505
arris tg2492lg-vm/ vmdg505
hi all, this I what we are using in the uk on virmin media :its arris tg2492lg-vm
I will post some photos of the board when im allowed to upload attachments
I will post some photos of the board when im allowed to upload attachments
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- Registrado: 29 Sep 2018, 23:18
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acá le dejo la foto y que firmeware se le pude poner puma 6
viewtopic.php?t=1340654-Arris-TG-2492-A ... -o-Bitware
viewtopic.php?t=1340654-Arris-TG-2492-A ... -o-Bitware
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